The Lions Gate 2020.


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The Lions Gate Portal opens as we move into the constellation of Leo, and actually the energies are present with us for the next month. It peaks is on the 8/8.

The Lion Headed Beings asked some years ago if I would offer a teleconference every year this day as it is one of the most potent energetic events on the calendar. It’s right up there with the Solstices and Equinoxes, so one not to be missed.

I’m sure you will have noticed the upswing in energies lately, almost a feeling of pressure to be as present and available to them as possible. Well, the Lions Gate is one of those points where there is a cosmic alignment that streams energies into our planetary field. We have spent a couple of weeks in preparation for this, spending time focused on Sirius, and Becoming The Portal.

Here we put them all together, and become both receiving dish and a planetary portal to open to the most intense shifts and DNA activations  of the year. This influx of energy does in a very real sense, set the template for the coming 12 months. It alerts our system to what is coming in ways that most of us aren’t fully able to decipher. It is an opportunity to choose a new timeline fr ourselves and for the collective. the energies we receive help us to navigate that path we have chosen.

It is a huge beacon of support and energetic reset if we are available to it.

Over this time it is very useful to spend extra time in meditation. Focus on your heart and the streams of energy from the sun, the star Sirius, and the Great Central Sun. Your focus automatically guides the cosmic energies to you. It alerts the Universe to your readiness. It truly is a case of “Ask and you shall receive.”

As always on these teleconferences we will work for the wider planetary collective as well as focusing deep into our own transformational capacities. Of course the two are one and the same, but involve different movements of energy.

It is totally possible to receive these downloads and influxes on your own, no need to be on my or anyone else’s teleconference or event. It can be useful and does feel great to participate in group events as it does seem to empower the energy and I always see the co-created field we weave as being something of a planetary magnifying glass that amplifies the energies.

This teleconference will last about an hour and will be available  as a recording immediately after the live event finishes.