Extraordinary times we find unfolding before our eyes. I have written about the levels of fear in the collective and how easy it is to be swept up in that energy. It is really important now to practice all we have trained in, all we know to be true.
I am offering a free teleconference this evening at 7.00pm UK time. There will be no need to register or sign up. Simply use the link or the telephone numbers at the bottom of this page, to access the teleconference. Do this a couple of minutes before start time. The recording will be available immediately we finish the call. I expect that the teleconference will last 45-50 mins.
Please forward this to anyone you feel may be interested.
There are the most amazing levels of energetic support available to us at this time. I’m offering a free teleconference this evening to engage in some energy work and to open to receive that support.
You won’t have to register or anything, just click on the link in this newsletter a couple of mins before the event is due to start and you will be able to access the meditation and energy work we will undertake.
I’m not altogether sure what we will be doing in the meditation. The connection with the earth will be a fundamental aspect of what we explore as will accessing the support of our starry ancestry. They are particularly interested using this time to help us to open and integrate more streams of high frequency light.
It is a very stark choice now, between fear and love. Even for those of us that have been consciously walking an evolutionary path, we are entering very challenging times. So it is vital we make use of the multidimensional support that is so available now.
If you feel you have benefited from my work, and are moved to donate, that will be very gratefully received. There is a donate button on my website.