Our Relationship to Time.



I have always been fascinated by the layers of sediment laid down in rocks. We get to see them on cliff faces. Millions of years of geologic time, different colours and bands, reminding of  the vast expanses of existence on this planet. We see it too in the annual growth rings of trees, even getting an understanding of weather conditions from these ring patterns.

Often, and through much of our recent past, we have seen ourselves as located within time, at a fixed point. Now that shifts. It has been shifting for ages at a collective level, and like so many of the collective agreements we have participated in, the fixed nature of time isn’t real at all. Many of us have had experiences of flipping through time, seeing the future, vividly experiencing past lives.

Now, as more and more of us shed layers of confining history, integrating the wisdoms and dissolving the wounds, we find much more freedom resulting. The sun and moon dictate much of our relationship with time. Our movement around the sun gives rise to the rhythms of the days and seasons.  The moon gives us the cycle of tides, and these patterns help us make sense of our lives.

Now perhaps, breaking out of these major collective constructs, rules we have chosen to be governed by, is important for our collective wellbeing and greater understanding of ourselves as Universal Beings. Not governed by space and time at all, but choosing to have a part of our experience within the framework provided by the space/time construct.

This interest in me is stimulated by the experience of a significant block of “frozen time”, thawing out in my pelvis. It’s an ongoing experience. Physically its not entirely comfortable. I see the parallels of feeling bound by time and the experience of being bound by tensions in my pelvis. The shift from relating to this as a physical issue of tension and tightness, to one of dissolving ancient points of holding within us that moor us to collective anchors, is a significant expansion. It eases the mental tension I have been holding.

I have, for along time been shown that the sacrum, “sacred bone”, at the back of the pelvis, is a time locked device that opens collectively and releases data into awareness as we are ready. The solar flares and massive arisings of energy from within the earth help in this unlocking process. The body warehouses our unprocessed energy, holding it as unintegrated time bubbles with need to be accessed and integrated to set free aspects of us trapped within the framework of time, unable to relate to to our wholeness.

This teleconference will offer an opportunity to experience yourself outside of time. We will also dip into the layers of time to access and free up some of the pieces that are held within time. This enables us to integrate much more of the energy available to us. Vast amounts of power/energy are held by our Greater Self, outside of time and space. Still more of that energy is bound within the frozen levels of time we are currently all defrosting. As we break free of the constructs we seem to exist within, more and more of this energy/power becomes available, making it much easier to break through the remaining barriers in consciousness we hold. As more of us expand our idea and the version of Self we are living, it creates that ripple effect across the planet.

The collective paradigms we have been living with are collapsing fast. Time is a big one. Seemingly irrefutable laws of time, that it moves in one direction, that it is fixed, are falling apart. It is time to free ourselves of this binding and push back the boundaries at a planetary as well as personal level.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash