Before We Were Human. Free Offering.



I have long found myself fascinated by staring at the layers of sediment and rock laid down and compressed over millions of years. I live on the coast, so often find myself walking by cliff faces where this banding of time is very evident. I have often found myself directing energy into this layers of time, not with any particular purpose, but more because I have come to know that as a representation of us too. We are layers, vast layers of time and experience compressed into flesh. This layered time often obscures our true nature, which lies buried within. Until such a time as our soul comes calling and the inner light strengthens and calls us into action to begin what has been described as “The Great Work”. We dissolve, with enormous help, the enwrapping layers of time, freeing ourselves of illusions, and coming into ever deeper alignment with that inner light.

At this point, millions are feeling the call of that inner light. It is strengthening on the planet, and in our hearts. We know about past lives. Many have an understanding of the waves of seeding that took place on the planet to create life and humanity. Some have a recollection of themselves as members of teams that came to this planet eons ago, to survey, to locate and gather resources, to to modify life forms here, influencing evolution in significant ways.

Very recently, I have been made aware that it is time to clear up any karma we may have accrued through these actions. Actions we took, activities we participated in, maybe personally or as a part of our cosmic genetic heritage. It is time to drill deeper into the fossilised layers of time and our psyche, to dissolve the imprinting there. It is held within us, in our DNA, it is held in the earth, it is held in the collective memory fields. Wars that were fought, powers and controls that were taken, resources plundered. There are many ways in which we may be subtly bound by actions in deep and distant pasts.

It’s a bit like watching those huge drills used to bore tunnels through mountains. This enormous drill is the collective push of our consciousness wanting to know itself, free itself, and return to wholeness. It is relentless.

As I write this, I am aware of many races of beings peering into the field we co-create. They will participate. However we may have labelled some of these races, all are waiting completion. All are wanting balancing and harmony. It is time. The collective field we build, sometimes it acts as a magnifying glass, amplifying energy, but here, it is acting as a drill, pushing into ever deeper layers of collective history, helping to neutralise  the energies laid down in the planet and in us.

This work will allow a deeper freeing and activation of strands of our cosmic DNA. In essence we acknowledge all we may have been a party to, and bring it into our hearts for resolution. No matter what form we may have occupied, what race we may have been a part of. Here we will bring it to the light of the sun, and the heart of the earth and ask that it is resolved in us and through us for all of the planet. It is simple but profound work Many of us will have delved into this before, but it is time for a collective shift around this to happen.

I have been asked to make it a free offering to encourage as many to participate as possible. Your donations are very gratefully received.