At the beginning of the year, it was made clear to me that the next two years there would be a tremendous resurgence of much deeper contact with what we call The Higher Self. Even in people and groups not exploring this, the connection would be felt. I have to acknowledge that this seems to be the case. For me, there is much more subtle awareness, much more listening, a much closer contact.
Earlier this week, sitting to meditate soon after waking, I had the strongest sense of turning my back on the world of spirit, higher dimensions, guidance. It was as if the many many times I have done this, over thousands of years, had all coalesced to form a dense field of energy that was wrapping me as I sat to meditate. It wasn’t just a turning my back on that realm, it was a definite decision to not trust, not listen, a big “Fuck you”to that world and all its inhabitants. I was aware of telling myself, over and over again, I didn’t need their help. I’d be better on my own.
It was my abandonment of God. My belief that I had been so let down that I was better off without.
As I sat feeling into all of this, I was aware of the pain, the confusion, the victimhood, “poor me” mentality, the rage and hurt. Lifetime after lifetime, I seemed to have made this decision when things hadn’t gone my way, when I hadn’t got what I expected or wanted from the gods, from my sacrifices and offerings, prayers and petitions. There was terrific power involved in the creation of this wall of separation. A deep disgust as loosing loved ones despite prayers and sacrifices, deep confusions at the capricious workings of “The Gods”, which seemed unfathomable. All of this based in a simple immaturity of awareness at the true nature of Divinity.
Experiencing this, I knew it wasn’t just a personal piece. It was collective. Many millions of us have this layer of rejection and abandonment of the spiritual realms. This was confirmed later in a one to one session with a client. The same issue came up, and I saw it threaded very deep into the collective field.
All of these self-constructed layers of separation are falling away rapidly now. As we return toward oneness, the heightened energies push everything to the surface to be acknowledged and dismantled. That ancient immaturity in our relating to The Gods as external beings who grant wishes and need sacrifices in order to be appeased is based in fear and lack, and of course, separation. That is coming to an end as we realise, make real, our own Divine nature.
It is useful to take a little time with this layer that most of us have. The one where, repeatedly, we turned our back on the spiritual realms, often vowing never to trust, or ask for help again. It is useful to feel into it and ask for its dismantling and complete dissolution, from every cell and fibre of our being. From lifetime and timeline it may still be active within. Its time to bring this to a close and move all of ourselves into a more mature relationship with truth, love, divinity, Source.
“We are so unbelievably close, closer even than your breath. We have never gone anywhere. Never has there been any distance or separation, other than in your own mind.”
We are going to focus on this as a piece of energy work. As always, we do this for ourselves and the wider collective. A group of individuals bringing awareness to this will have a lot of power to it, and create some big shifts. Its not to say we don’t already have authentic relationships with our spiritual selves, but there is always more depth, truth, love available. Every filter we release allows for more integration, more wholeness.
One of the lovely things that happened for me as this construct fell apart in my system, was the relaxing and widening of my heart field. All of the curses I had directed at The Gods over the eons, had settled into my heart and tightened it in a way I wasn’t aware of until it was releasing.
We won’t just focus on the dissolution of this later of abandonment we have constructed, but also the allowing and integrating of a richer, easier relationship with the non-physical realms. A significant aspect of this is the deepening of self -responsibility, as we let go of any energies tangled in the old belief of Gods doing it for us. The acceptance of full responsibly for our capacity to co-create is a big, important step in our maturation process.
You can certainly try this for yourself. No need to do this with me or anyone else. Just sit and ask your Higher Self if this is something you need to dissolve. See what happens. You may be surprised.
if you want to do it as a part of a group, then join memoir this call.