Lions gate 2024.



We are at this portal, one of the most significant of the year. The Lions gate opens for about 2 weeks, from the end of July through the 12th August, with the 8/8 being its peak. The sun is at the half way point in its journey through the sign of Leo and there is an alignment with the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt and Earth.

Many think of this as an auspicious time to manifest your highest dreams. In our materialistic age, people often immediately focus on money and acquiring things. Nothing wrong with that at all, but it may not be the optimal use of the energies.

Here, on this date, there is the opportunity to manifest, make real, the dreams of your soul within physical reality.  There is the chance of harnessing the huge influx of light available, over the whole of the Lions Gate, to come into ever deeper alignment with your highest purpose, your deepest potentials, your greatest dreams, both individually and for the collective.

Over the past 15 years the Lions Gate Portal has gained in popularity and potency. As more and more people tune into the event, we collectively draw more to us. we open to receive at deeper levels and certainly are more available to the incoming frequencies now than we were even 10 years ago. Incoming light penetrates much deeper and effects greater levels of transformation.

So, on this date, there is the opportunity to gather to come into alignment with our heart and soul desires at every level of our being. We will take time to come into optimal balance, through body, mind, emotions and all levels of our field. We will co-create the powerful field of amplification and magnification, so emphasising the portal we are in.

We will receive for ourselves and on behalf of the planetary collective, huge amounts of energy, light, intelligence that is flowing in our direction. Millions have no awareness of these opportunities, millions have no possibility of making these conscious connections. Those of us that do, can make this available to the whole planetary collective.

A significant aspect of this time, something I have never seen before, is that huge cosmic dragon lines of energy are ready to connect again. Our planet has been through many thousands of years of disconnect, separation. Now, that time is over. Some of the vast cosmic lines of light flowing through the galaxy, are now ready to flow into this reality again. They need human beings ready to receive and anchor them. This is an important aspect of our work.

It is essentially what we come into alignment with and for. This, I think is a part of the work we came to do on this planet and it aligns us perfectly with our highest soul desires and intentions at this time.