September Equinox, 2024.



We have just moved through a lunar eclipse. It was partial, meaning that the moon was not fully obscured by the shadow of the earth falling across it. It was a supermoon though. The moon was at its closest point in relation to the earth at the time of fullness, so it appears to be large in the sky.

What this means basically is that it was very a powerful event astrologically speaking. It lands in a powerful week as we are days away from the September Equinox, which falls this year, on the 22nd for most of us. We are also in a time of solar maximum, so are receiving huge energies from the sun, every day, it seems.

A couple of weeks ago, I was in London with American seer and energy worker, Jenny Schiltz. We visited the crypt at St Brides Church. This is a place of primordial power. A place where access to the earths inner realms is easy, so there is a very strong upwelling of earth energies at this place. The church was built on an ancient healing spring. The rising of energies isn’t disturbed, by the presence of the church. The energy feels so supercharged and available in that place, so timeless and raw. It reminds me that Christianity is merely a 2000 year old, man made system while these primordial enemies are true and ancient.

In that place I was pulled quickly into the earth and landed on what was shown to be a seal. Places in the earth where the flows of energy were sealed off, to allow us to experience density. It was explained, not for the first time, that these seals are releasing now, to allow much more energy to return to circulation. This is both an inner and outer event. It is happening within us and within the earth . No separation. So there is going to be much more power/energy flowing. This unsealing will take place from the Equinox through to the December Solstice.

Yesterday, in a client session, this came up, along with a direct teaching about our relationship with power/energy. What was said, is that there will be much more energy available. It becomes important for us to truly embody this energy/power. Allow it to flow through us, without claiming it as ours or using it for our own designs. Then it can direct us, heal us and vitalise us and, through us, our world. This energy flowing through us will naturally take us into higher dimensions, levels of self-hood, and a deeper relationship with creation. It opens and builds or field, activating us  on quantum levels of reality that we haven’t collectively know fro long ages.

If we decide to deny this power/energy, continue to pretend to ourselves and others that we aren’t powerful,  then we miss the point of what we incarnated for. We will be caught up in the power games on the planet, believing that to be the real event.  This time, politically across the planet, is one where we might well witness many power grabs. It is important that we heal our relationship with “power”, and allow this power/ energy to run through us relatively neutrally, so it can be used effectively in our lives and worlds. If we choose not to, we will witness the external antics in power hungry sections of society, and feel impacted and frightened by them, because we are choosing not to be personally empowered by the energies available.

On this Equinox teleconference we will hold space for and direct focus toward the unlocking and unblocking of the energetic sealed points within us and the earth. We will also spend time inviting a healing of our relationship with power/energy, so we are not afraid to embody it. Many of us hold the idea that because we abused power in another life, another time, we should avoid it now. This is       non-sense. We were meant to abuse power in those other times. That is our motivation to get it right in this time. That is our deep, innate understanding of how not to do it. That is our assurance that we know how to embody it now without needing to hold power over others. We are all  learning the finer points of this dynamic now.

Because the Equinox points specifically hold the energy of balance across the planet, we can invite a new level of balance in our relationship with power/energy.

Over the coming weeks and months, as more energy/power is released back into collective circulation, we will get to see very clearly where we are not allowing that to flow seamlessly through us. Where we are afraid of it, or denying it. With more energy comes more intensity, more speed of manifestation, more consequence to all of our choices.

Make those choices count.