We are already over half way through the first month of 2025. The massive energies of the Solstice and the Galactic Centre connection have moved through their initial clearing and integrated. It is time to get back to work. Not that the work ever stops, but it certainly goes through different phases. 2025 is a very different phase. The energies feel very fresh and new, and we are asked to align with that newness.
As a way of marking that, it was shown to me that dismantling the co-created field we have built over the past ten years will be a really useful action take. So that is where we begin. A dismantling of old structures so something new can be born. Sounds familiar, right?
You may have heard me say, repeatedly over the years, that it is the field that does the work. That the field is intelligent. It need us to co-operate with it, to be conscious of it. We deepen that now, as we become more embodied and aware. We will co-create the new field, begining with the basics of the deep heart connection, opening that point within ourselves, anchoring into the deep heart of the earth and then the heart of the sun. We have done that over and over again, but as I write, I feel that the landscape of those energies is totally different now than it was, even toward the end of last year. It isn’t appropriate to bring the energies of the old forward, into a new paradigm. Thats where we are. A new paradigm. Many haven’t realised it yet, but it is the truth.
During a lovely one to one session this week, I was told that a significant portion of humanity will be integrating the Higher Self over the next two years. I was asked to make this a major focus for the work. Many of us are someway along that path already. Millions more are about to begin. No matter where you are in that very significant part of the journey, there is always more to open. More dimensions of the Higher Self are ready to unfold from within. The more of us that hold and transmit those frequencies on the planet, the easier it is for others to find them, recognise them within their own field.
Actualising this Higher Self alchemy, giving time and space to it, and our understanding and much deeper acceptance of it within, will be a major part of the work moving forward. Bringing in the Higher Self frequencies, and opening up more of the infinite dimensions of the H.S. will totally transform us, and our experience of our world. It is always an inside job.
Field dynamics, and field building have always fascinated me. I feel that this year, and moving forward, we are going to understand field dynamics in a totally new way.We will come into the understanding of ourselves as technological beings, field generators. We, in co-operation with our Higher Selves and the huge teams of support from other dimensions, are going to learn how to generate, stabilise and co-ordinate field of light energy, plasma, to enhance our experience of our life, and the world.
It’s going to be a very exciting year. Much will fall apart in the outer realms, but so much is coming together in our inner landscape. Truly, it is now vital to give way more attention to what is emerging from within, rather than focus on what is leaving our world, because it is leaving. Let it. Together, lets bring in the new.