Things are moving very fast. As the old power structures that have held the world collapse before our eyes, it can be useful to remember that we knew this was going to happen. We didn’t know how it might unfold or perhaps, how it might feel. We are deeply in it, and going deeper. The physical shifts appear very sudden, but so much has been happening in the energetic realms, for years, to prepare for this. We have been a part of that preparation.
Last night, as I watched some TV news, I felt a strong ripple of energy through my pelvis. Watching it, feeling it, I realised it was old trapped fear. I had a visceral experience of me as an infant, watching my parents, the superpowers in my life, fight with shocking and brutal physical violence. Then, I felt my world was being ripped apart, that there was no safe foundation.
Watching events play out on the world stage, signifying the end of the old order, can trigger deep seated, existential fears to arise. It will for the collective. These energetic structures have been in place at least since the end of the last World War, probably much longer. We have built our worlds on these energetic assumptions. No matter how you view what is unfolding, we are part of collective fields and a lot of energy is moving. Dramatically. We don’t know how things are going to play out.
Be aware then, that this destabilisation process is affecting the collective, and do what you need to do in order to take care of yourself. Nature is real and true. Not a man made structure. The energy of nature will remind your body of all that is real.
You could use the opportunity to invite any deeply locked fears of yours to surface and flow through. Enquire of all of your bodies, as to wether there is ancient fear ready to purge, and give it space. It is so easy to stay in the mind, telling ourselves a story about what is happening rather than really getting in touch with what is going on.
Sitting to meditate late last night, I asked that the world be held in light as it moves through this transition. Immediately I was told, “The world has never been more held. Become one with the light that is holding, and be a part of that strength.”
As i did that, I became aware of fields of beings holding this planet of ours, and it was easy to allow that field of light to flow through me, to be held by and in it, and allow it to flow deep into the earth. I became aware of myself as one of the beings holding the planet, aware of my existence outside of the drama, as well as within it.
Later in bed, the muscles in my legs spasmed for hours, first left, then right, back and forth. The muscles would contort, and twist as something deep was being released. I understood it to be old power structures that we have built into our understanding of the world. They are built into our systems too.
The energy work we will focus on is this. Aligning ourselves with the vast field of light and all of the beings holding the planet through this transition. We will bring that light deep into our cells and invite any old power structures holding in us to fall away. This is deeply calming and soothing for the body, for us. We instantly recognise we are part of something, a process that is so huge, and not just planetary, but of cosmic significance.
There is another beautiful piece to this. The other day, working with a client, towards the end of the session, her sushumna dropped into a beautiful field of light deep in the earth. This field was pure aquamarine energy. It was a field that was opening. Watching, i realised it was the Atlantean Fields. They are coming back into play. Not the energy of the destruction of that civilisation, but the long period of its harmony, beauty and brilliance before.
Now, it makes perfect sense to me that as those beautiful fields open and rise underneath us, underpinning our experience on the planet, as we begin to dismantle some of the big energetic structures that have been operating for many decades. These Atlantean Fields hold powerful wisdom and memory, and are returning, opening within us too. Most of us have processed the trauma of the destruction of Atlantis. This is about reconnecting with something much more powerful. The return of these fields creates an underpinning field of safety, beauty, to drop into.
The two pieces will work hand in hand, perfectly dovetailing with each other. There is such exquisite energetic synchronisation at play. As we are held, and become the field of holding, we are also immersed in and open from within ancient fields of returning wisdom and truth.