An Afternoon of Deep Energy Work. Saturday 15th March. 2.00pm till 5.00pm. London.


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This is the second of these in-person offerings. Following some very useful feedback from the first, there are slight changes to the format. It will be a little longer to allow for more personal sharing of experiences. Tea and coffee will be available during the slightly longer break. The price has risen a bit to accommodate these changes.

Everyone that wrote after the first event agreed that the energy work was profound and powerful, often stating that it felt much more potent than the on-line gatherings. There will be more of that. Exactly what at this stage I cant say.The themes energy as we draw closer to the time of gathering. I attempt to follow directions and hold space for what wants to unfold. I will keep you informed.

The opportunity to meet in person is its own energy work, and has value in and of itself. Energy work takes place for London and for the planet as well as for us.

I have decided to limit the number to a maximum of thirty, as, even though the room could hold more, the energy work and we need the  space to integrate and unfold.