Back To The Start. At The Root Of Things.



I am on The Isle of White, with Jo Hemmant. We are completing the journey along The Spine of Albion that we began a few weeks ago. The initial phase took us from the Rollright Stones in Oxfordshire, right the way up the line to the northern coast of Scotland.

Now, we come back to the beginning. Last night, we took a short, and mightily expensive ferry ride to the island, had fish and chips on the quay, and went for a swim at the beach pictured. We bathed in golden light and violet coloured water. Jo even saw a dolphin.

The Isle of White, an ancient stronghold of Druidic energy, is the base chakra of the United Kingdom. I’m always hesitant saying things like that. We project enough onto the earth as it is, but in the days proceeding this part of the journey, my pelvis has had a major workout. Yesterday, on the drive here, everything became about dragons. On this island, Dragon Energy is insanely powerful.

Today, we explore the island, visiting various sacred sites. Tomorrow we head back to the mainland, and head for the ancient city of Winchester and its cathedral, along with St Catherines Hill. We will also connect with Beacon Hill, maybe Highclere. Sunday, we are heading for Uffington, with its Dragon Hill and finish up at the Rollright Stones again. All of these are points along the major line of energy called The Spine of Albion.

Then, on Sunday evening, we will hold this teleconference. Here, we will talk about our experiences, the energies we have interacted with, and, of course, share them with you if you’re interested.

So at the moment, as we are right at the beginning off this phase of the journey, I cant say too much about what we will offer. There will be Dragons! That much I can say. Base chakra, and pelvis will also feature strongly. Its all about the base, as Megan Trainor said. I will also tell you about an experience earlier in the week, that I know relates to what we are engaged with.

I woke early, and my pelvis was aching. So I went in to explore. A doorway opened in my pelvis and I found myself in a room full of old alien technology. It was like being in a 50’s sci-fi move. Big, clunky bits of machinery, most of it not working, defunct. a couple of pieces were whirring, still a little active. As I watched, the whole room was cleared. There was very much the awareness that this old machinery was was the technology of manipulation, enslavement, and siphoning of energy. It was dead. That time is over. The space was empty. Waiting to be filled, activated.

So, I think that is what we are doing. Activating the root in a new way.

Both Jo and I will add details as we go. So more newsletters will be coming your way. From what we have already experienced of the energy of this landscape, it’s going to be very powerful.

I hope you’ll join us on Sunday.