Wow is all I can say. How are you doing? We are being buffeted and blasted by the energies at the moment. Its supper intense. Everything is designed to bring the deepest dregs of all of our issues to the surfaces you might be feeling challenged in multiple areas, an on multiple fronts.
You might be riding waves of bliss, as the currents of energy are very beautiful, alive and affirming. I find I’m veering between two states. Feeling overwhelm, and feeling deeply held. I can’t move too far from my meditation. This becomes so important. I check in on a very regular basis with myself and move through different levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual just to see what is going on at each of these levels. What I find is that I am often feeling very challenged in one of those areas. If I don’t pay attention, I begin to think it is the whole of me that is out of whack. As soon as I check in, I recognise it is just a part of me needing some attention and I can focus on that aspect. Resolution usually comes very quickly.
I am also experiencing deep connection and holding. The higher levels and dimensions are so present. Guidance is easily available. I just have to remember to connect inward and be present for it.
I wanted to offer a free check in at the start of what is always a very powerful month. There will be the opportunity to ask questions and have a bit of a chat. We will also meditate together as usual, focusing on moving through those levels, balancing and harmonising the field and accessing the support available. I can already feel the light fields waiting to connect to and pour in. Support is massive at the moment and we will make a point of receiving deeply on this call.
There will also be very powerful clearing g of the emotional body, taking us a long way back in time to the root of many issues to clear and dissolve them.
We have to be willing to move through what is arising. Recognise this time has great purpose and promise. It’s up to us to make the most of it.
Remember that whatever is arising, it isn’t your truth. It can and will move and change quickly if we allow it.
Keep things very simple. Focus on what is important.
Meditate and connect inwardly often.
Remember the support available is phenomenal at the moment.
I’m offering this at there slightly later time that usual as I haven’t given you much warning. Apologies as usual for that. Any donations are very gratefully received.
Photo by Oscar Keys on Unsplash