We are complex systems of energy and intelligence that have been operating at a small percentage of our potential for thousands of years. As the massive process of rebooting the original system gets underway, we experience waves of starlight energy, cosmic streaming, and massive upwellings and impulse from the earth. All of this is designed to help us remember who we are, and shed the vast structures of conditioning we have believed to be real. So much belief has been woven into the false, that many struggle with the letting it go, and fight to preserve and defend it. The process is completely unstoppable, and here is a cosmic timing involved, where the whole collective is moved through sequences of energetic awakening at roughly the same time.
From outside, from the cosmos, all looks to be going very smoothly. Those that watch, support, adjust and hold the planetary field from “the outside” are happy with how things progress.Those parts of us that look in from outside the physical construct appreciate the collective nature of the process. From “the inside”, things can fee very personal, a little tricky, sticky, or downright crazy.
This piece of energy work that is on offer from the outside in is designed to assist in the smoothing of the process. Those that watch and support can reach in to our reality through individual and collective work. It simple requires a coming into alignment and coherence of the seemingly separate fields of energy to synchronise, facilitate and enable the work.
Over the past week I was told to watch what happening in individual sessions, as this would be our focus for weekend. The throat has been the major focus. Deeper levels of the throat opening. As I have watched this, I am awe struck at how thorough has been the closing, how near complete has been the silencing. The throat has been a major target of closure precisely because of its position as a bottleneck, and the knock on effect of compromising this are of the physical and energetic body.
What I have witnessed has been really exciting. As deeper levels of the throat are opened up and come back on line, there is a corresponding opening and shift through the heart, high heart, and brow centres. The simple elegant truth is that if we cant express something, love, truth, what we are witnessing or knowing, it creates a huge backlog, and becomes too painful to see the truth or even to love in the way that is our nature. This backlog closes the whole system down over time, and we have been doing this over long periods of time.
Now, as more and more is unveiled and revealed, both within and without, there are massive shifts happening energetically. One of the ways it has been best demonstrated to me is through the energy field and how co-creating this deep shift in the throat has an enormous impact on the whole system at every level. If we live in relatively free nations with a high degree of freedom around what can be expressed, we perhaps don’t understand how much of the planet still doesn’t exist with those feeds and permissions, and, what an impact that has collectively to our energy field. Working in this way truly does support the whole in opening our the collective throat chakra and harmonising those changes across borders and through restrictions that impede many other approaches. This work becomes acvaialble to many in the dream state or in altered levels of awareness.
So, the energy work will focus on a deep shift in the throat that is happening now, and allowing that shift to ripple out to a much greater extent to the heart and brow, and then the whole system. The unveiling that happens as we work is profound.