Divine Neutrality. Imbolc and the Goddess Briget



After the first couple of online events this year, it seems obvious we are working with energies that are at heightened levels of clarity and potency. We are being invited to put the work we have done, and the energies that present themselves to action, bringing them into the collective in a very grounded way. This became evident over the past few days.

As is often the case, during a beautiful one to one session few days ago, an energy came in for the client. It was the energy of Divine Neutrality. A lovely, strong, purposeful influx of very high frequency energy, which presented as a deep, almost navy blue in colour. It was velvet in texture and cosmic in origin. The energy stayed after the session and I had a powerful meditation of my own. It was then I understood that it wants to be a part of a piece of energy work for us as a collective. It wants to work with us. 

My sense is that we are going to need support in this area over the coming weeks and months. It is so easy to be pulled into polarised states and create an inner war which literally funds at an energetic level, warfare on the planet. Wether that is an actual armed conflict, of which there are many playing out, or it might be the war against nature we are collectively waging, or the increasing level of intolerance that is manifest.

If we want to live in peace, this energy is a key element. It is not peace itself, but one of the foundations of peace. We do have to be able to view world events, political events, from a perspective of this Divine Neutrality, and there will be many triggers in our awareness moving forward. Both personally and collectively. Being balanced, not giving energy to something, or resisting it, but in effect, allowing the universe to view proceedings through our eyes, will be a rare phenomena in the human world. The ability to allow everything to unfold without judgement, trusting in the bigger, maybe hidden plan, that is holding us all in it embrace will be challenging. This energy will help.

Working with this energy of Divine Neutrality, you can expect it to be something of a training. Not from me, but from the high intelligence of the energy itself. It will help bring each of us to higher level of neutrality. It does this by bring to the surface, making us aware of places we are not neutral. The inner places we hold conflict.  Thats not always pleasant, but my experience was that it helped bring those places to rest, to neutrality, quickly, softly.

It felt to me as if there was almost a request for us to work with this energy, bring it to the planet and make it more available because there will be plenty of opportunity for us all to tear ourselves apart in the coming months. Holding this energy and feeding it into the planetary grids might just make some small difference. Maybe it helps another person to access the energy when they most need it, when they are on their knees praying for support.

It is time for us to step into our roles as planetary energy workers. This is also a part of the training we receive when making ourselves available to these potent energies. This  very high frequency light will help elevate consciousness, allowing a different view point, lifting you out of the fray, and helping you perceive from the eagles perspective. Coincidentally, we happen to be coming together on the 2/2 gateway, which in itself is a powerful portal. This will aid us in accessing and grounding the energy for the planet and wider collective.


We will  be working with this in todays in person event, taking place in London this afternoon. There will be many elements coming together for our gathering today. I’m sure some more of those will make it into this 2/2 event.

Photo by AGL Fotos on Unsplash