The other day, just after I had posted on Facebook a lengthy piece about some themes playing out in my life, one of them being very much related to Pan, the nature God, he showed up in a different way. My friend Morgan Lee was leading a short meditation after our conversation live on FaceBook. This meditation was to help bring the masculine and feminine energies to balance, or at least see where you are in that process.
As she invited us to bring our masculine light body up in front of us, what showed up in my awareness was Pan.
He was showing himself as we have come to know him through Christian conditioning. As The Devil, all wreathed in red smoke and a leering grin, carrying a trident. As I watched this image, and enquired why i was seeing this I understood that this was still a part of my inner imagery, my deep inner belief state about the inner masculine, my inner masculine.
Basically a part of me still believes that this aspect the Pan aspect of creation, the instinctive, natural masculine energies cannot be trusted. I was shocked to find this in me, and as I watched him, I realised this is a collective programme that many of us are holding. It keeps us in separation from some of the fundamental energies of creation. It means we repress and are scared of these energies in ourselves and at a planetary level.
If we truly want to integrate the energies of creation, and move into our ability to manifest and co-create, then I believe it’s important that we remove the false identity laden upon our relationship with this being, so the energy can be free in us.
Pan represents masculine energy at a deep, instinctual, natural level. He represents eros, sexuality and virility. He is the power to bring things from a dormant winter state into the full emergency of spring. It is a tremendously thrusting, vital energy. One we are denying ourselves of.
Check in with yourself to see how this is resonating.
Back in the `Middle Ages, Christianity was intent from moving people away from their natural pagan roots, connecting with nature spirits and sacred places in the landscape. Churches were often built on ancient sacred sites, as a way of not only claiming, and sometimes suppressing the power of those sites for christianity, but also of telling a largely uneducated population that this is the official religion. This is where the power is now.
People were killed and tortured for association with nature spirits and Pan in particular, became the epitome of evil.
The being of Pan does not seem to me to be particularly affected by this. He has his own reality. We are impacted. It is in our psyche that we have made something very natural a force for evil.
So, on this teleconference we will undo that. We will welcome back from the place of shadow, the nature god archetype, and allow this part of us to be uncloaked once more. It is an important piece of energy work as we move forward. Our relationship with all aspects of self and the natural world are key elements to becoming whole and living and co-creating a world where we respect and love nature and live in partnership with it.
As always, this can be done on your own. You don’t need me or anyone else to do this for you. It is an inner intention.
Part of the joy of working in a group is that the energy is offered to the wider collective to help with the ongoing shift that is accelerating massively now.