June Solstice 2024.



The June Solstice is always one of the most potent Solar events of the year. This year the actual moment of the Solstice is at 9.51pm UK. We will begin our gathering at 9.15 pm so as to give us plenty of time to energetically position ourselves for maximum benefit. This Solstice marks the northern hemispheres most extreme point of bowing to the sun before the earth begins to swing back toward balance at the September Equinox. Of course, the opposite is true in the southern hemisphere.

On this Solstice gathering we acknowledge the depth of our connection to both our home planet and the sun. Heaven and earth. We open to one of our most significant roles, which is to act as conduits for the in-pouring, influxing solar light to anchor through us deep into the earth. We also consciously anchor this transformational light deep into our cells and bones, so  the information encoded within its stream triggers awareness and awakening deep in our DNA.

By now, we all realise that the sun is a fundamental part of our ascension/awaking process. This year its input into our world and lives has increased dramatically. At these pivotal moments in the yearly calendar, our focused attention is important, bringing us into alignments with the trajectory and time line the sun is offering over the next three months till the Equinox.

Over the past week I have been journeying with Jo Hemmant up and down the spine of the United Kingdom. Jo and I plan to share energies and tales of that journey with you over the coming days and weeks.
Today, we finish this pilgrimage by heading towards Glastonbury in the South West of England. This becomes a pilgrimage in its own right. A solar pilgrimage. A journey at the opening the Solstice gateway. A journey carrying the energies of the whole spine of this country to a place many believe to be its energetic heart. Already as I write, I feel the solar codes pouring in and I know the energies of this whole journey and particularly the time in Glastonbury are a part of the Solstice offering. I will write more in the coming days, when I’m back at home.