Pluto into Aquarius.



Pluto moves into Aquarius on 20th January 2024. It spent a little time there last year before retrograding out again. It retrogrades out again for a couple of months later this year, but basically, it’s there for the next 19 years. By all accounts this is a really significant shift for us as a collective. It is one of the outer planets, with a long orbit around the sun, over 240 years.

Its movement into the sign of Aquarius will massively highlight science and a shift in power from the top down, to the collective. The rate of change we experience on this planet, already moving at a dizzying pace, is going to shift dramatically.

I’m no astrologer so won’t go into details, but do look online so you have an understanding of the energies we can expect to encounter. We are going to work with the energies of Pluto on our teleconference, bringing it in to our personal field so we can sense it as a field of energy, and gauge its influence for us at an individual level. This also has the effect of bringing it in to the collective more profoundly. We will do this with clear intent, inviting the highest transformation and outcomes possible.

It is useful for us to explore the energies of big astrological and celestial transits as this becomes an inner demonstration of our connectedness at universal levels. There is no “out there” anymore. It’s all happening on the inside. We are not victims of circumstance or astrology, or anything else. Bringing the Solar System into our field really helps us to expand beyond limits we have set, and understand and accept that.

On last weeks teleconference which focused on DNA, something was bought forward from deep within the structure of collective DNA. I had no idea what it was about. Over the week, I’ve explored this, and while watching a video on Pluto, I understood what is emerging.

Our capacity to integrate and ride waves of change are going to be challenged in ways we don’t comprehend. Our DNA is already wired for this. Our DNA already connects us to aspects and elements of our Greater Selves that are operating at warp speed, in dimensions we don’t begin to experience. More and more of this becomes available to us as we need. We are prepared at energetic levels for what is coming. We have to step into that preparedness. We have to step up and accept these part of ourselves that are emerging. We are not going to be left behind or swept away by the waves of change engulfing the planet. We are wired to surf.

This is what was coming forward in our collective DNA. we will work with this too, accepting and integrating our own innate capacity to ride the wave field of change we are in.