The Ancient Gods: Ending Our Allegiance


Have you consciously disconnected from the vast numbers of gods and beings you worshipped in other lifetimes?
Are you ready to live your sovereignty?



The Ancient Gods: Ending Our Allegiance.

Have you consciously disconnected from the vast numbers of gods and beings you worshipped in other lifetimes?
Are you ready to live your sovereignty?

Every culture we have incarnated into has its own pantheon of gods. Egyptian, Roman, Grecian, South American, Celtic, Nordic, Japanese…….It’s an endless list.
Through our vast evolutionary history, we have sworn loyalty to many of these different belief systems, deities, habits, superstitions, sacrifices, rituals, ceremonies and prayers.

Unless we have made a conscious decision to disconnect from those religions, we may still be handing over our lifeforce to them, purely out of habit. It’s an expensive habit. Especially now.

The beings we invested with our energy become collective archetypes. Many of them may have been actual visitors to the planet, coming from other dimensions. It would have been very easy for those technologically advanced to convince populations they were gods needing to be worshipped.
Those systems of control and deception have been running for eons. They are falling apart now as many withdraw their energetic support.

It may well be that the deep history of feeling betrayed by those we thought were divine leaves us unwilling to surrender to even our own guidance. The lifetimes of dysfunctional relationships with gods of different cultures have left us scarred, and wary.

Its time to bring this to an end. Its just another layer of the matrix energy working on the planet. As we dissolve that construct, we find some aspects are stickier than others. This one often goes unnoticed because of our allegiance. It is now simple to let it all go.

If what you’re reading has resonated with you, then why don’t you check it out. In this piece of energy work we walk through many of the layers of programming, and release the ancient loyalties from our field. This results in a deep empowerment. We no longer need to be funding outworn archetypes from our own energy. It enables a much deeper acceptance of our own divinity and an ability to access higher states of attention quite naturally.