A New Meridian System Coming On-line.



Last weekend Jo Hemmant offered a teleconference on Sunday which marked the completion of our journey  along the Spine of Albion. We had decided we would spend the following morning in Avebury Circle, a place we both love. This circle, the largest in Europe, has a road and a small village with a few shops inside it. I was sitting on a stone outside a crystal shop (of course),  and as I sat, I closed my eyes and dropped in deeper. Quickly I became aware of a whole layer of energy that was just coming alive in my system. I was shown the beginnings of a new meridian system. Perhaps it is more accurate to say it is an extension of the current meridian system .

As more and more dimensions of us open up, we are in an excavation process. A deep clearing of old rubble that filled the spaces that we blocked off, walled up within us. We are like an ancient archaeological site, with many layers being uncovered and explored. First the spaces have to be cleared of all the debris that filled in, then cables are installed to bring power to the newly discovered territory. Once the cabling is installed, the wonders of what is present can be seen and known.

It feels useful to regard ourselves as an ongoing ancient site of discovery, that never is complete. There always seems to be more to uncover. The deeply ancient mingles with the fairy recent. Other lives, this life all seem to be clearing ferociously at the moment as activating energies pour in.

This morning, I woke early, and as I lay in bed, half asleep, the sound of bees filled the room. So much so that I felt a air move around my head as a bee flew close. Opening my eyes, I realised the bees were on the other side of the window, not in the room at all. Energetically, they had been very present. All week they have been present. This morning, as I contemplated their energy, I was reminded that a few years ago, the honey bees had shown me how they hold open dimensions for us to explore and integrate. We can access more and more of ourselves, deeper dimensions, higher dimensions by riding with the energy of the bees. Allowing them to hold open dimensions we have thought of as closed, or not thought of at all.

So today, we will ride with the honey bees along the hexagonal grid of creation they hold through the universe, into other dimensions of ourselves. We will be present to the activation of the deeper levels of our energy system as this comes on line, and really begins to awaken at a collective level.  We are truly lighting up passage ways that haven’t been trodden for many millennia.

As I write this I become aware of the “one body of humanity”. It is this that is activating. Light is pouring in to deeper recesses of the collective mind. Many are still operating on and clinging to surface levels, but soon I think, there is going to be a collapse. So many supporting structures that have held things in place are falling away now.  Many more will join us in the depths we are exploring.There will be confusion. As if a floor gives way, dropping many into depths and levels they didn’t even know were there. Maybe this happens at Lions gate, which will be a major activation this year. Probably again at the September Equinox. Each a huge influx of light into the deeper terrain that is uncovering, along with the ever present inflows of solar flares that are digging into the collective and personal fabric of our being.