Lions Gate; Integration.



This will be the third teleconference I am offering over the past 8 days. Thats a lot. So I am substantially cutting the price of this one. If you want to attend, it might make it a bit easier. 

As I write this, it is two days after the peak of Lions gate on 8/8. That window is still open, and the energy very present and strong.

I woke today feeling a huge dense, swirling mass of energy slowly moving through my system. I was tired and irritated, and felt as if I were operating under a thick, heavy cloud. As I looked at this energy I quickly realised it was a big clearing from the powerful energetic influxes and work we experienced at the peak of Lions Gate on Thursday.

I headed to a sacred spring in some local woods not far from where I live. As soon as I sat by the spring, I could feel the energy rising gently into my system from the earth in that powerful place. It moved into my physical body, underneath the layer of sludge that had been loosened by the light of the 8/8 alignment. Quickly, the dense fog I felt swamped by started to dissipate and within minutes I was clear of what was moving through my body and field.

It is important to recognise this process that usually accompanies big influxes of light. The energy penetrates deep, opening parts of us that have been unexplored maybe for thousands of years. Stored in these recesses of our field are many old patterns and wounds, triggers, beliefs and experiences. All of the stuff we have lived through for thousands of years. It is all clearing and there is huge support for us in that clearing.

We make it much easier on ourselves if we pay attention to what happens with these big collective processes. Yesterday, the day after Lions Gate peak, I felt full of energy, bright and clear. This is often the case for me, after a big download. Today was a totally different scenario, but one I am very used to. The feeling of being swamped by a thick layer of dense energy is actually to be welcomed as it simply means that more of my personal density is being washed from my system, ultimately leaving me clear at ever deeper levels. This is a very simple sketch of what happens for individuals and the collective.

The process seems never ending. I’ve been engaged with it for well over 35 years now, and it shows no sign of stopping. My relationship with the clearing process has shifted completely. I very rarely feel overwhelmed by it now. I understand it, and have tools that I quickly employ so I can move through what is rising in my field. I no longer resist the process, as I know it is something going right rather than something going wrong. It wasn’t always this way. Often I used to have a healing, or experience a big download, and wonder why I seemed to feel worse after. It was just energy moving deeper and clearing old gunk, but I didn’t know that.

Anyway, yesterday, I was aware of being nudged to offer an integration session, but was reluctant. I felt we had done enough over the past few days. My own experience today shows me that it might be useful. So, if your’e feeling swamped by what is moving through your system, or out of sorts and not sure why, tired and emotional, perhaps it is the old energy clearing through.

This session will begin with a thorough wash through of what is letting go for everyone present. It will help the energies to work deeper, integrate fully and move through quicker. You don’t in anyway have to do this as a group. It is very easy to clear your field when you recognise the need. So please don’t feel in anyway obliged to show up for this.
Becausecwe are still in the L.G. window, we will work with the tail end of this energies too.

There is more to write, more for us to look at and work with. That is always the case. Even as I write, a field of Angelic support is showing up, bringing with them some beautiful crystalline fields of light. They are wanting to work with us. I’ll write more soon.


The image is of the beautiful local spring in St Helens Woods, Hastings.