Separation. The Fundamental Belief.



So, how have you been since Lions Gate came and went. I dont mean just the 8/8, but the whole two week period of supercharged, deepeneing enrgies. From my perspective it has left us in a very differnt place. As we moved toward the close of the gateway, I was aware that the energies had delved very deep, opening us spaces within that hadn’t been exposed for long ages. I felt in touch with some incredibly strong, buried tensions. In a strange way it was a pleasure to fall into these tensions and expore them. On Monday, I decided I would do that when I went to bed.

As soon as I turned the light out and started to focus inward, I saw the tension. It was rising to meet me, and I was so surprised to find that it was full of powerful hatred of my body. Not because my body is short, or ageing, but because I had a body at all. It was the hatred of a spirit feeling trapped in form. A deep level rejection of physicality. Resistance to being in a body at all.

As dropped into it more, I could feel its intensity, and its power to shape my life. I have experienced this before. Its one of those things I have visited over and over it seems, in various guises. This time, I felt like I was at the root of things. I could see layers of Cathar beliefs, rejection of physical incarnation and the beleif that physical reality was evil, the work of the devil.

But underneath that was the hatred of a spirit trapped in form, wanting out. The fear of loosing freedom. It felt truly ancient, as if it were the shock of the first time experiencing physical reality.

Feeling the immediacy of this belief stytem of extreme tension in my body was a relief. So much so, I laughed out loud at the oviousness of it. It was no surprise. I have been here before. But this time it felt different. And so I surrendered to it, I dropped into it, and promptly fell asleep.

This hatred of physical form and its rejection represents the schism betweeen spirit and matter. Separation. Of course, in truth there is none. But in human belief systems there is a massive split. It is the fundamental belief we are here to heal. The divide of separation. We are working at this level now. Right at the base of things. The bottom of the barrel.

I’m finding that I am feeling exhausted. As if I am mining the depths of my existence. I know I am not alone. I know what I am experiencing is a facet of the collective experience now. I know we are healing that fundamental split in consciousness.  As we empty oursleves of the vestiges of the old world belief systems, We emerge into a new world that is building all around us. As we have been taken to the very foundation of our old world, we lay the foundations for the new world.

Over the following days, I was aware of how deep we had been taken as a collective by the energies of the Lions Gate. Those of us that have been working on this for a while have been taken into this much deeper levels of self, and that is excavating now. With this will come much more refinement of abilities and sensitivity. Many are already feeling this.

For many, it marks the begining. There is a huge wave of awakening that is now starting to become apparent. It will become much more obvious over the coming months.