New Energies Emerging, New Purpose Seeding.



I’m travelling a lot lately. At the moment, I am exploring Wales, the county I was born in. I find myself on the Isle of Anglesey for the next three days, off the north coast of Wales. This place is reputed to be the last stronghold of the Druids, before the Romans killed them all off.

I drove to the water as soon as I arrived, and took some time to introduce myself to the island. As I did this, my last visit here played through my mind. It was back in 1998. I stood on a cliff top, battered by wind and rain, singing to the sea. For a few moments, I experienced myself as a Druid priest. Today, as those memories flowed, I understood this island, perhaps all of the sacred islands around this land, as points of initiation. Places of awakening.

Last week I was in Scotland, exploring different sacred islands with Jo Hemmant. All of this journeying is at some level unsettling, but also refreshing. New landscapes, new energies, new places. All of this serves to ease the falling away of the old conditioning which is a vey big part of our process at this point.

The new is rising. Last week, in Scotland, I experienced a youthful goddess figure underneath the landscape of the UK. she was just stirring, coming into wakefulness. The energies that streamed from this place of awakening deep in the earth are now flowing strongly. Into the land and into us. It seems to me that the time of consciously clearing energies is over. Just before I set out for Wales, I visited Pevensey Castle, a few miles from where I live. I had not been before. It was originally a Roman site, then the Normans built another layer, then there were other additions over the centuries. In the past, I would have gone to a place like this and focused into the layers of energy. There may have been a clearing. Now, there is no notice given to the overlaying structures. All focus moves deeper, to what is emerging. These new energies rising are strong and vital. They dissolve whatever is overlaying them. They rise into the old then loosen and transform it.

So in Scotland, all I was asked to do was focus on the newly emerging energies, deep in the earth. It is the same here in Wales. I have found that I am weaving my way back and forth over the Welsh/English border, visiting a lot of wells. These are places where the energy naturally rises, fresh and bubbling to the surface. Just about always there is a strong feminine presence at an ancient well. The ones I am visiting have reputations as places of healing. The strong energy rising imprints itself into the waters and creates an amplified healing potential.

Soon after my experience of the new energies, as I was lying in bed, silvery strands of energy were woven into my central column. I was told these were energies of new purpose being woven in. This is happening for everyone now. Many of us are aware of massive shifts happening personally and collectively. Everything feels different. The old is still present but starting to feel unreal as less and less energy flows into it to sustain it. You will notice this in your life. Choices made for the old patterns, habits, are less supported. Energy flowing into the new is surging and abundant. For many of us, our old way of being and what we were focused on is shifting now.

The energy work sessions I have offered over the past couple of weeks have reflected the new energies rising. A powerful washing away of old data. So I know that these energies are wanting to be worked with, integrated into our form.
Yesterday, with client who often highlights what is happening in the collective, her field became the pyramid. As I watched this, I understood the relationship between the earth and the pyramid, The great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau. I understood that our relationship with our history is radically altered now. What we buried in our energy field, to allow the experience of density is now unearthing itself. I will write more about the pyramid form we are excavating within ourselves tomorrow.

So this teleconference is an exploration and integration of these new energies emerging, along with the new purpose seeding itself.

We will look at the pyramid form held within the geometry of our field, and see how opening to that alters our relationship with the earth. We are on the cusp of newness. At the equinox, seals in the earth and in us will begin to release, allowing much more energy to flow. We are just about into an eclipse season. The energies are building and shifting strongly. We will also work with the energy of the sacred islands of Iona, Staffa, Mull and Anglesey. All are conscious aspects creation, and hold energies for us that can help us unlock what is newly emerging.

Image is of the strongly rising waters in Holywell, an ancient place of pilgrimage in North Wales.