Eclipse Season Reboot.



As we drew toward the Equinox just last Sunday, this period of time was shown to me as a bullseye target. The Equinox, boundaried by two eclipses, makes for a very potent period. Sometimes it can be useful to view the period as one event with three major elements, rather than three events close together. How has it been for you?

A few days ago, I was feeling very out of sorts, lethargic, grumpy, and quite internally lost. I felt as if I wasn’t grounded to anything tangible, and everything in my life was pointless. It was strange. I could sense that this was a major process I was involved in, and usually that makes it easier, but no, it just became more and more uncomfortable as the day passed. Eventually I was told to go home and sit.

As soon as I did this, there was a big influx of energy that immediately lightened everything, and I was told to sit for half an hour. “We are rebooting your system.” I was told. The reboot felt thorough to say the least.

I became aware as I sat, of this whole time, this Equinox/eclipse season, as a reboot. A very intense stripping down, dismantling of the old and a bringing in and uploading of new energies.

You may have noticed feelings of deep insecurity, tiredness or absolute exhaustion, not knowing who you are, freedom, exhilaration  and excitement. Physical dizziness can also be a common experience with deep energetic shifting. Literally, the ground beneath our feet is moving, and the fleshy parts of us are emptying out their storehold of old memory.

As is often the case at the moment, I wasn’t sure about offering anything this weekend. “Yes!” was the emphatic response when I asked. “Times like these call for as much input as possible.”                                  I know the teams working with us appreciate the possibility of working in a large planetary field of energy, to help and support us, but also to work on much larger scales. So they are always keen to have the opportunity to gather with us. They are keen to offer the rapid energetic reboot to us.

That will be our focus, and the support available to us in the form  of energy work  to help move us through this time with maybe a little more grace and ease. As I write, I am aware of a very different heart configuration. I literally experienced the Great Pyramid and the sphinx in my chest for some minutes. We worked with that configutation a couple of weeks ago, and it has integrated deeply now.  There is also the general sense of being wired differently than before. It feels to me as if the wiring isn’t totally active yet.

As always, I would state that there is no need to work with me or anyone else for this to happen. You can simply sit and ask your guides for their energetic support and input, and see what happens. I’m always amazed. The reboot is happening, across the board. It is just that it can be facilitated a little more gracefully if we give space and time for our team to work with us. If you want to do this in a group, that can amplify the energy and often we get moved through a sequence of energy work that is truly powerful We can be moved through what might take weeks if left to our own devices, and have it done more cleanly and deeply, if we give time to our teams to work with us. It’s so simple, yet easy to forget.                                                                                                                                                             Sometimes I have the impression of a formula one car pulling in for a pit stop. You see the mechanics swarming all over the car and giving it a completely overhaul in two minutes flat, before it exits to carry on the race. It’s not that we are in a race, it feels more of an endurance challenge, and I certainly don’t feel like a sports car, but the level of support available is massive. They do want us to know that and call upon it.

Thats what we will do in this piece of collective energy work.