A Scottish Pilgrimage. A Free Offering.



I have recently returned from a week long pilgrimage to Scotland with Jo Hemmant. We travelled up “The Spine of Albion”, following the major lines of energy that roll around each other as they move through the land from the Isle of White in the south to Balnakiel on the northern coast of Scotland.

I travelled from the south coast. Jo lives 30 miles inland. We met the lines first at the Rollright Stone Circle in Oxfordshire, and then threaded our way along the line, in a beautiful, holy journey that was both deeply personal and massively impersonal at the same time. The end point at the beautiful bay of Balnakiel is captured by Jo in the image I have used. As I walked down to the sea, I felt the lines of energy penetrate me and carry me in to the water.

We both surrendered to the journey, and found the conversations we had as we drove hundreds of miles each day, were a deeply significant part of the process, helping use excavate our own inner landscape. We found the themes we touched on were mirrored by what we met in the land.

In this teleconference Jo and I come together to talk about this journey, and some of its highlights. We will both offer meditations on themes that arose for us as we travelled. Jo will offer one of here spectacular blessings, which is a profound piece of energy work in its own right.

This teleconference will be longer than usual, probably bout 1.5hrs.

We will both write more over the coming days.