Buffering False Frequencies; A Simple Protocol


A protocol to help mitigate the ever increasing influence of false frequencies.



Last year, I got to spend a lot of time out of London, the very big city I have lived in for over 30 years. I was in areas of low population density, by the sea, and even in the African Bush for a chunk of time.
This allowed my system to attune to natural frequencies and my field to expand and unfold in ways it just doesn’t in a big city.
Since that time, London has become increasingly uncomfortable for me. I was surprised. I have always had a deep love for that place, a real here connection.
Basically, my system was telling me I was overdue a move to quieter environments.
My short time in the pristine environment of the Okavango Delta of Botswana was the first time I was totally off grid for years. Returning to “civilisation’ was something of a shock. I could feel the depressing, frazzling impact of the frequencies of our electronic age, along with the density of population in a way I hadn’t been aware of before.
We are all becoming more sensitive. That simply an outcome of the planetary shift we are all engaged in. Many of us spend much of our time in environments that don’t support, or actively counteract expanded awareness. It increases the strain on our systems when we are already having to work very hard simply keeping pace with all of the integrations and upgrades.

Im aware of a very simple protocol that can help buffer agains the impact of electromagnetic frequencies, and the energies modern living. Im going to talk this through on a teleconference on Sunday March 4th .
I’ll look at the frequencies, and talk over lots of differnent ways we can support ourselves, including the use of crystals.
We will also look at the push towards Artificial Intelligence, and how the false frequencies we are bathed in perpetually are a systematic process designed as the first step in the encouragement to give up sovereignty and souls alignment.
The primary focus will be the energetic protocol and the invitation to out system to integrate and upgrade itself in ways that are naturally resistant to the false frequencies that are becoming ever more prevalent.
This becomes more important now, before the roll out of the 5G network which is a huge amplification of the man made frequencies that act to separate us from our natural selves.

Its going to be a powerful and timely piece of work.