Building The Field Anew; Part 2. Upgrading The Chakra System. Allowing Power.



Last week we focused on dissolving the old field and beginning to build a new one. Many have written to tell me how powerful they found that process, and how refreshing it was. We began with the heart field basis, deep in the core of our heart, connecting into the heart of the earth and the heart of the sun. This is the basis for our field moving forward. We also worked with the four elements, building blocks of creation. A significant amount of time was given to the connection with the Higher Self. I am told this is going to be a major focus over the next couple of years for humanity. Millions more will become aware of this aspect of themselves and begin to work with it. This will shift the energy of the planet in a major way.

We continue the process of building, co-creating the field. As I write I realise that we are being given a fundamental tutorial in co-creation. How to assemble a field of energy at the beginning of any project or intention. This will deepen throughout the year. Remember,bering how to co-create is a really important piece for us moving forward.

This weekends teleconference will be a continuation of what we have started. Extending more invitations to aspects  of creation to work with us in building a powerful field that contains, amplifies, heals restructures……The field has its own intelligence and will instruct us in how to work with it for the best results.

Something that is on offer this week is an upgrade of the chakra system. This is an operating system we use to work in this level of reality. As the energies have shifted dramatically since the December Solstice, we can use the opportunity of loosening the whole chakra system, taking it off like an article of clothing, and offering it to the field to bring it to a new level. It will be washed through, helping us too release at ever deeper levels, the old, outmoded ways of being that are now no longer needed. It’s a bit like taking some ancient, precious fabric to a specialist cleaner to have it professionally, thouroughly cleansed mended and strengthened for the next phase of its existence. I am aware that this is a significant piece of work, and we will devote some time to it. Among other things, our capacity to let go is being trained and optimised with this work.

We will also spend time in relationship with the Higher Self, exploring and coming to trust this more fully. As I say, this will be an ongoing focus for the year.

Another big piece we will look at is our relationship with power. This has come up strongly this week, for myself and in client sessions. We are being encouraged to step into higher levels of power at this time. many of us feel reluctant to do so. So we are going to dive into this and see what comes up. I will write more on this later as it is a big issue for us all.

It is not at all necessary to have listened to part 1 to be a part of this weeks work. If you wanted, you can access last weeks piece on this link.