You may well have noticed the energy building as we approach the December Solstice. It came in early, right at the beginning of December, announcing itself, subtly at first. Signalling with that early extension, that this would be a very significant event.
Initially I experienced it coming in a soft, scintillating dust, landing in our field, penetrating deeply. Now it feels to me to be more of a cascade, pouring in as rivers of light. This will strengthen as we get closer to the 21st.
I have spent a lot of time this year visiting places of power that are dedicated to emphasising the suns relationship with the earth, and its power to fertilise. For many thousands of years, man has created temples that align with the path of the sun at Solstice and Equinox moments. In many of these, the light of the sun penetrates a tunnel or creates a path, only happening on the exact day.
We are perpetually bathed in the might radiance and benevolence of the Sun. It holds us in its field, allowing life to flourish. At the time of Equinox and Solstice, the veils are thin. The electro-magnetic filed of the earth allows more of the energy of the sun in. This impacts all life on the planet. It has a quickening effect. We feel it. Our ancestors knew it. The rarefied energies of the sun at these points in the calendar, can boost evolution, kickstart spiritual awareness and trigger major awakeings.
Yesterday, in session with a client, I was given a glimpse of another level of unfolding that took my breath away.
Toward the end of the session, the spiralling alms of our Galaxy came into view, like a vast backdrop to the session and the client. Watching, I became aware of a synchronisation between the human heart and the Galactic Heart. There was nothing I needed to do but watch, hold space for what felt like a truly momentous event. As I observed, I understood that this was unfolding now, for humanity. This alignment and synchronisation, an energetic field overlay, is happening planetary and collectively.
Writing this, the sun hidden by clouds for the morning, bursts in and bathes me, at the back of the room, in its light. A simple, coincidental event, but I am immediately struck by the sheer power and love that light is. I feel in this moment, days before the solstice, my heart transform itself into a chalice to receive the light. I am deeply moved. I know the sun is transmitting a message, an acknowledgement, a signal.
“Yes”, it is saying. “YES. Receive my light, and all it offers, deep into your core. Allow this radiance to synchronise and align your heart with the much vaster field of The Galactic Mother. Allow these moments to re-mind you of your true nature.”
There is powerful opportunity at this time, to come into alignments with the pure forces of creation. We are that in the eternal depths of our heart. The sun, the Cosmos, en-cour-age us to embody that.
So, over the coming days, I would urge you to take time to drink in the amplifying solar energy. Drink it in deep. Allow it to open you up at the most fundamental levels. Contemplate the galaxy, The Milky Way. Our sun apparently orbits this once every 225 million years. Light, travelling at 6 trillion miles a year, takes 100,000 years to cross the galaxy we are in.
There is freedom in contemplating the vastness. It becomes more available than ever at the December Solstice. We will work with these themes on the Solstice call, taking place over the precise time of the event, on Saturday morning.
The recording will be available if the timing of the event does not work for you. Listening to the recording after will allow you to participate deeply in the energies still flowing.