Amplified Harmonics and Extended Gridwork.



During a recent one on one session, towards the end, the gears shifted and I was aware we had moved into collective territory. The client was in a sense, unaware, or underutilising aspects of power available to her.  Her energy field was dropped into and connected to many layers of energy, grids, present in the earth. These were harmonic levels of creation, all humming along at their own rate, all performing different tasks.
As I watched this, I was aware that this was available at a collective level. It’s on offer.

Of course, many of us have been participating in “grid work” for a long time. Now, there is an upscaling of this. It is, in my estimation, to do with new levels of purpose unfolding on the planet at this time. We are dropping into and synchronising with new streams of energy present in the planet. New harmonics. This occurs as deeper levels of our energy become available. We, as individuals and a collective are evolving, shifting at amazing rates. We hold it all together underneath the thin veneer of our personality structure, maintaining an unreal sense of things being as they were. But we all know that everything has changed. That change is happening within us first.
Collectively, we are becoming more harmonically resonant. With each other, with the planet, with life.

As that resonance amplifies, our connectivity into the earth is expanded.We come online to a wider range of the enormously diverse energies present there. This deepening connection only serves to enhance and amplify the rate of transformation. We both stream energy into these grids and harmonics, but also receive information and light streams from them. This opens us even more to the depths and richness of our own being. We recognise the full interconnectedness of all life and that we are included, we are at the heart of that.

New grids of energy are coming online within the earth, new levels of availability are opening within us.  Matching the new availability of energies within the earth and us, ever more energy is flowing in from the cosmos.
This piece of collective energy work is a re-tune, or tune up. It’s an optimisation. That is something useful to do from time to time. Now, I am being shown that we have opened to many more levels of energy within and around us, and consciously coming together to activate and synchronise our field with all of this newness is going to be helpful. It will make energetic sense of things, possibly not to the mind, but the energy bodies will harmonise and balance themselves more easily.

Of course, it is important to recognise that you don’t need me or  anyone else to attune you to the energies. That can be done for ourselves, but the power of doing this as a group sends ripples through the collective field, helping others to find these deeper levels of purpose, activation, and harmony within themselves.