Fields of Engagement, Fields of Enlightenment. An on line Intensive in 3 parts.


Everything is a field of energy. Every thought and word, every object, every organisation, every quality or concept, every goal or dream.
It is now important for us to become very conscious of the fields of energy that we engage with. Each field we interact with has the capacity to raise or lower our vibration – just as we have the capacity to alter the vibration of every field we are part of. This will either cost us or give us energy and so it is vital that we become much more clear about these energetic interactions.

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Over the past year I have been really absorbed by an exploration of the fields of energy we interact with and the fields we create. So much so that I’m going to offer a workshop on the subject. It will be over two days, with one 2-2.5 hr call on Saturday 29th July, two calls on the 30th.
Here’s why I feel this work is important at this time.

Everything is a field of energy. Every thought and word, every object, every organisation, every quality or concept, every goal or dream.
It is now important for us to become very conscious of the fields of energy that we engage with. Each field we interact with has the capacity to raise or lower our vibration – just as we have the capacity to alter the vibration of every field we are part of. This will either cost us or give us energy and so it is vital that we become much more clear about these energetic interactions.

For example, we choose to incarnate into a nation and therefore belong to the field of national identity of that nation. Most people are relatively unconcious of this. The earth doesn’t accept boundaries and borders. She operates from a field of wholeness. We have chosen to separate out into nation states. Each with their own individual identity. Indeed some of these characteristics are formatted by climate and location, but many are formed from ideologies, political states, history and collective bounds. That leave us open to manipulation and coercion by our political leaders.
In order to move into sovereignety, we have to be willing to explore, and maybe unplug from many of the fields we give energy to. Nationhood is a significan part of this. Likewise, any club or organisation we subscribe to, will have a call on our energy.
We also incarnate into a family field. These hold all of the beliefs, contracts and agreements, curses, history and ancestral patterns that we have chosen to work through or live within. It is becoming very simple now to choose differently and set ourselves free from what has been one of the most challenging fields of interaction in any given incarnation for many of us.

Many of us have been pretty unaware of the fields of energy we interact with, integrate as our own, or are immersed in. They have such a huge impact on us, and can influence physical health and well being as well as spiritual advancement and evolution.

The other aspect of this workshop will involve looking at our capacity to create fields of healing, support and enlightenment for ourselves, others and the planet.  We are now moving into our creatorship, and it has never been easier for us to co-create fresh fields of interaction. Our relationship with the non-physical realms comes into play here, as they do much of the actual creating.
We will look in detail and experience how this co-creation works and how best to utilise it to our highest advantage.

Looking at everything as a field of energy simplifies the process of reading or sensing that energy enabling us to gain insight into its impact on us or our impact on it. This can set us free from may interactions and experiences that no longer support our evolution. We truly are in a phase where this level of clarity is vital.
There is a Separating of the Ways happening now. The upcoming eclipse season will be an intensification of this. This separation point can be reasonably smooth and easy if our energy it is clearly aligned or it can be jugged and harsh if we haven’t paid attention to where we are spending our energy.

Because the planetary and cosmic energies are so supporting, as soon as we choose to become conscious, we can rapidly gather up lost energy or make fresh decisions and changes that move us in new directions. Everything now is supporting heightened alighnment and evolution.

In this workshop, which took place in the summer of 2017, we look deeply at the fields that are draining us and learn how to let go. We will also consciously co-create fields of vitality and high frequency that ease our evolution.

Some of the benefits of this workshop will be deeper insight into your creative process. More vitality and energy. Freedom of choice. Greater health and well being. Access to simple and effective techniques for raising vibration. Greater clarity and courage.Enhanced psychic perception.