Galactic Infusions. “Anything is Possible.”



My neck was feeling pinched a few days ago, so I sat to get quiet and focus into it. As I moved inward, towards the point of compression, my experience shifted to being in the long, slender neck of the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti. I was at once exploring space in my body and hers. I experienced a tight band around the sushumna, high up in the neck, under the base of the skull. Touching it, I knew it was another of these points of closure that took place, that we agreed to many thousands of years ago, and that was now ready to open again.

Back at the time of the December Solstice, and the corresponding alignment with the Galactic Centre,  Nefertiti came in strongly, letting me know she was an embodiment of the Galactic Mother. She was there to help us integrate the enormous energies and potential shift of the galactic alignment. We were becoming ready in December to consciously connect with our Galactic Selves, and the expansion in awareness that would involve.

As I sat focusing both into a point of tension in my neck and that of Nefertiti, I knew this was the next piece of that re-connection to our Galactic Selves. Within seconds the tight band had given way, and there was a surge of energy. I felt the Galaxy merge with me, pouring itself through my crown, down the central column and into my heart. It felt like a long awaited reunion.

Some time later out walking the dog, I sat on a bench in the park, and turned inwards. Again, the galaxy poured itself in, flowing right through me into the earth. As is often the case, with a significant influx of light, a dramatic expansion, I was a little thrown for a couple of days. Felt wiped out, and a little lost. I ate sugar and looked unsuccessfully for something to stream to occupy me.

During that couple of days, where I felt awkward and uncomfortable in my body, an old experience kept playing through my mind. I’ve written about it before, indeed we have worked with it before in a teleconference, some years ago. I’ll give a brief recap.

Back in February of 2002, so exactly 23 years ago, I was, medically speaking, fairly close to death. Two different teams of doctors had confirmed this, and I was talking it through with a friend. As I went through the details, in my right ear, softly whispered, so soft it was easy to dismiss, was the phrase,”Anything is possible. Anything is possible.” Over and over.

Finishing my account, we decided to watch TV. The first series of Pop Idol was on. Will Young was being introduced, with his version of the song, “Anything is Possible.” We changed channel. The Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, and the commentator was saying, “And in the mens slalom, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.”

Loud and clear. I got the message.

I was held in the field of Anything is Possible for days. It wasn’t till months later I realised the importance of this support. The field of Anything is Possible stopped me from integrating the instruction from the medical establishment to die within months. I was held in a golden glow of infinite probability that allowed for another set of possibilities to manifest. If I had collapsed my thinking around the phrase, “You probably have a few months left”, I would have lived that set of probabilities and died all those years ago.

The same is true of this planet. There is very strong mindset, a field of probability that is being promoted through our media. Collapse, hopelessness, war, lack, destruction, catastrophe, more lack, and fear. Yet the broadcast at a more subtle level is hugely different. Rebirth, regeneration, vitality, renewal, abundance. When any one of us opens to our Higher Self, the angels, the higher dimensions, we hold open and anchor the field of “Anything is Possible.” In a sense, for the highest possibilities and outcomes to manifest, enough of us need to hold the field of Anything is Possible. This is the Quantum Field. When we hold Anything is Possible in our heart, the Universes can download through us a set of probabilities, can weave into us our most optimal timelines.

So this piece of energy work is a weaving together of both holding and integrating the field of “Anything is Possible”, alongside engaging in some delicate, profound energy work that is ready to happen. Releasing a lock high up under the base of the skull will allow for a deeper level of Galactic infusion, a flow through of galactic Frequency, for both us and the earth.

We are now in a place where manifesting becomes easier than ever, super smooth. Aligning ourselves with higher potentials and freeing them up to optimise what is manifested becomes important. We become both pillars and channels of the new energetic architecture, the architecture of the new earth.