Preparation for Lions Gate.



Can you feel the building energy. It seems like a pressurised wall of energy bearing down on us. One of the tricks is to pay attention to any defensive structures we are subconsciously tempted to put in place. These will make matters worse, leaving us feeling pummelled and battered. Turn and face the energy. Surrender to it.  Welcome it in. Invite its help and support. That is what it is here for. Transformation. That is what we are here for too.

On Sunday I am offering a teleconference which is an energetic preparation for Lions Gate on the 8/8. We have, in truth, been preparing for a while now. The waves of energy we are experiencing are helping us, in every way imaginable, to clear historic data from our field, and raise our vibratory rate. On this teleconference, there is targeted support.

We build and hold the field in the usual way. There is always at this time of year, major input from The Lion Headed Beings. They are always holding the field, but as we approach this gateway they step forward and their presence is felt much more strongly. They build the field with us. I am shown clearly that we are to emphasise the amplifying effects of the field. It becomes a portal through which we move. A doorway we can enter, which takes us into a dimension of higher frequency stability. A holding field if you like.

In this holding field, we will focus on expansion at the molecular level. There, the intimate identity structures that bind us to the fundamental idea of ourselves can loosen and dissolve. We will sit in this state of expansion, allowing it to deepen within, so the waves of incoming transformational light and data can penetrate to the deepest levels of our being.  These are both dismantling and dissolving as well as carrying in codes and directives that are interpreted by our field in very personal and individual ways.

During this influx of light, inner doorways are opened. We are prepared for the initiatory energies that we will work with on 8/8. We are all being initiated into higher levels of our path. As doorways open inwardly, opportunities to shift, change, move are presented in our seemingly external world. Lions gate offers us a powerful possibility of escalating our personal trajectories. If enough of us do that, we shift the collective.

One of the major openings on the 8/8 that I am seeing, is an influx, or alignment with a stream light that we as a planet haven’t been able to access for a long, long time. It shows itself to me as a vast cosmic dragon. Just as the lines of energy and light flowing in the earth can be seen as dragon lines, so there are bigger cosmic lines flowing through the galaxy and universe. We have been separate from many of these for eons of time. Now, as our planet shifts out of density and separation, we can access these huge, cosmic Dragon flows of light once more.

The field of amplification we co-create and hold, works for the planet as well as us individually. We hold this field along with many other beings in other dimensions. It is planetary work we engage in.

As I write this, I become aware of many activations that are happening in my body. The energies that will work with us are very present and active. I will talk about these in a later newsletter. They are all part of what we will work with in Sundays Preparation teleconference.