This teleconference is offered without charge. Your donations are very gratefully received.
So, we are at one of the very significant gateways of the year. 12/12/21. Nice ring to it. I always find December to be the most intense month of the year, and this is one of the reasons. The 12/12 gateway opens the December Solstice portal. Energies are particularly strong from this point till after the Solstice on the 21st.
Nothing new there then!
What has happened recently is that the focus has concentrated in the heart. We are being asked to allow our heart field to be expanded in ways that we haven’t even realised are possible. There is such an incredible system of support for this from many dimensions. We are moving way beyond the personal heart now, into the vast deep, silent dimensions of the Universal heart. many of us, millions, are being called to anchor that presence in a personal way. Its intangible until you get used to its subtlety. it holds us as we allow it to unfold. It holds the planet, ever more strongly as more and more are pulled into its embrace, and share the anchoring of this field of energy.
So on Sunday 12th December, I am offering this teleconference without charge, so that as many of us as possible gather to hold and be held by this frequency. We of course experience the huge influxes and downloads, the upgrades and clearings. What is sometimes more difficult to sense is the vast expansion of the heart field, way beyond the individual, and the connecting and layering of these millions of fields into One Field.
This is what we are about. This is our work. To become the one field, balanced, harmonised, amplified through the heart.
The heart of the Earth supports this, as does the Sun. All of the Selves we have ever embodied or experienced align with this. As the intensity notches itself up on this planet, it’s time for us to add these Universal Heart frequencies into the mix.
All of us is included. Nothing left outside nothing ostracised. every single part of us is valid and relevant and held in this field of Love Without Condition. as we embody that more and more strongly, then every part of this planet and all activities on on the planet are included too. This brings everything to the light. Nothing escapes or stays hidden. Everything within us and around us is purged and purified in this intense fire.
Can we hold steady in this intensity. Can we open to receive, become these frequencies. They can be experienced as bliss, or felt as a raging torrent, a fury of energy for those that are resistant. There is no resisting now.
Align and move through this portal. Give yourself time and space, rest, and the energies of nature to help in the grounding of these majestic frequencies in and through you.