Sometimes it is useful to take a little time to consider where we have come from, what we have moved through. The magnitude of our journey, through all of the layers of programming and density, is difficult to comprehend. Thousands of years and many lifetimes of conditioning, all dismantling in our body and psyche, falling away to reveal a deeper truth that was there, hidden, all along.
Many of you contacted me to say how moving, powerful and beautiful you found the Christ Light Initiation session of last week. I was wondering “Where do we go from here?” An answer came quickly. I have been feeling the energy of newness, of deeply satisfying, quiet, simple joy bubbling up. This came after a “full stop.” An energetic line drawn in the sand. I had scrapped the bottom of my personal barrel, and I knew there was nothing more to do in that particular focus.
It’s as if Victim Consciousness, a powerful game/dance we have engaged in on this planet, has finally let go. At a cellular level. Thats how it feels to me, anyway. Of course, we are not all on the same page, but I think millions of us are at least in the same chapter.
Aim really noticing another very beautiful, very pronounced unfolding at this time. Many, many people around the planet, who perhaps haven’t given their spiritual development any thought at all, are switching on. Quickly. This will change the energetic landscape quite enormously. This is a much bigger wave of people that up to now have been focused on their spiritual purpose. It will add to the chaos on the planet, but I am being assured that everything is moving in the right direction regardless of outer appearances. It’s as if the planetary soul star just activated to a whole new level, cascading vast amounts of energy into the planets field. This will take a while to settle, but we can enjoy the process, and be a part of the settling field that helps hold stability.
What happens when we are totally free of victim programming, is that new flows of creative energy open us. This was shown to me last night in a client session, which totally took my breath away. During the session, which I was quickly made aware was a collective piece of energy work, huge new flows opened up through the clients field. Points in the sacrum, closed for thousands of years, opened to accommodate these much bigger flows of light.
The whole session had an Egyptian theme, because i think that was the last time we were evens attempting to work with these energies. They were progressively closed down so we could deepen into our journey into density. Now, everything is being returned, and so much more will come. It’s not just that we are opening to energies and trainings and awareness we worked with historically. This time is totally unprecedented, and new energies are landing in and through us for this “planetary moment”.
At one stage in the session, all of the energy flowing through the client made it look as if she were birthing the waters of the Nile. It has to be said, this client is energetically advanced, but I knew I was witnessing the return to our own regenerative co-creative capacities. The Nile represents so much, flow, fertility, the Milky Way, the beginning. It is a deep part of our collective psyche. This flow is strengthening all of the time, opening more and more of our deepest, buried inner treasure.
We are creation itself, not in anyway separate from it. We are now fully in the birthing of that.
Photo of The Nile at Aswan by Gijs Jakobs on Unsplash