The Goddess and The Dragon. A Free Teleconference.



I wasn’t sure to offer anything this weekend, then, on waking, something has formatted itself. So, a free event unfolds.

We are in the Imbolc window. That time, midway between the December Solstice and March Equinox. It is a time of renewal, when, in the northern hemisphere, the dark and cold of Winter is starting to give way to the emerging light and warmth of Spring. The Celtic goddess Bridget is the one traditionally associated with this time.

We are also moving into the  Chinese year of the Dragon, and, like many, I have been having a powerful experience of Dragon connection, actually since the Solstice. Everywhere I look, I am seeing the shape of a dragon. In trees and hills, in sticks and waves, clouds and piles of bedclothes, the shape of the dragon is forming itself to remind of its emergence.

This is more than seasonal, or transitional. Back in the Autumn of 2019, I was experiencing a coming together of Dragon light and goddess energy deep in the earth while sitting in the crypt of St Brides(Bridget) Church in London. A powerful union of primordial forces.

This morning, in that place between sleep and wakefulness, these forces were very present in my body. I was also aware of an ancient timeline, in which groups of male priests gathered in many traditions to perform ceremony to close down the feminine flows of energy. To perform the rituals that would lead to deep disconnect and open up pathways of density for us to explore. We haver finished that exploration. It was all Divinely orchestrated. The seals and blocks that were put in place are dissolving rapidly. We as a collective are emerging from massive lock down in fields of limitation and lack to a remembrance of our cosmic nature and natural abundance.

Lying in bed watching these scenes unfold and feeling the flows of energy open through my body, I also saw the earth spinning in space, a huge column of light penetrating it and extending out into the vastness of the cosmos. The collective sushumna, the central axis of light from which our body and life emerge. Around that huge sushumna flowed a fiery dragon. Planetary Kundalini. Cosmic Kundalini.  Personal Kundalini.

Today we will engage in some pretty powerful energy work, both personal and collective. Opening seals in ourselves and within the earth, to allow deeper flows and balances of energy. We will connect with the Dragon, not as an external force, but an inner energy that is rising. It needs both the feminine and masculine channels open and flowing in order to run free. In order to rise through us.

Imagine this. That we have for thousands of years lived such deep states of diminishment and impoverishmnet. We would look at those who came to demonstrate what was possible as gods. Those that have lived and demonstrated the truth of our being have been few and far between but always present. We relegated them to mountain tops and monasteries, myths and legends. They were simply holding up a mirror and saying “You too. This is what you are.”, or words to that effect.

Now we are integrating the truths of those that came. We are living these truths. Our energy field unlocks its secrets, its flows of mystery and power. The debris of collective wounding and twisted superstition are washed away, allowing the dragon, kundalini, to rise.

This is happening in the earth and in individuals all over the earth. The more individuals can allow the free flow of energy for themselves, through themselves, then the easier it will be for the collective, but it will happen because it is the truth.

For it to happen we have to be willing to leave the game behind. Recognise completely that we have played on all teams, in all positions, but it was a game. Collapse the game. Walk off the field and allow something new to format itself. Allow the flow of Dragon Energy within you to burn down the old pathways and create something new.