Many of us, as children, were aware of other dimensions. We saw them, interacted with them, knew them as true. Usually, this wasn’t validated by the adults around us. We split our consciousness, leaving behind what we knew as true and real, in order to fit in, be accepted. This phenomena of splitting has happened over and over again. Not just to us as individuals, but at a collective level. Apparently the human brain can process 11 million bits of information every second. Our conscious awareness can only handle about 40. We all “read” each other all of the time. We all know what is going on for each other, and ourselves. That information is always present. We have simply chosen to filter it out. To not allow it into conscious awareness because it would upset the apple cart. Because it isn’t polite to know or see too much of others “private” information. For an easy life
Whole cultures have split themselves, letting go of ancient truths and practices to avoid the persecution of a new belief system or the punishment of an invading, colonising power. We retain memories as myth and legend, fantasy and fairytale, but we all know these myths and fantasies are true.
Yesterday, working with a client, their energy field showed me an image of them wearing two faces, masks. The sushumna was split, with a branch leading to each face or mask. As I watched this image, curious, I understood that what I was seeing was this personal/collective split that we have all undergone. Just about everyone on the planet lives this distortion to one degree or another.
I saw the split heal itself. The sushumna, that central energetic column of light braided itself back together, unified, and the two faces became one. I knew I was witnessing a profound healing. A planetary healing. A collective healing that is underway. Now.
Our planetary energy field is becoming more unified all of the time. Recent developments in world politics are lifting the lid on a dark underbelly. Secrets are being revealed, truths are emerging. This, in a completely real sense is one of the ways the split has played out for the collective. There is a deep and painful process underway, which will take some time, probably years, but all secrets are being purged and bought to the light. Awareness of what has been hidden is spreading. It always has to happen in the energetic realms first, before it plays out in the material world.
As the split heals for millions, consciousness accross the planet unifies, and vast amounts of personal energy is no longer diverted to fund mask layers. This allows huge amounts of light to become available for inner transformation and creativity. This is happening in the outer world, and it will be messy and uncomfortable, but it is also happening in our inner landscapes, and as it does more and more will see the true purpose of what is unfolding. More and more will make deep inner connections to higher dimensions, deeper levels of self, their own guidance and truth.
This will be our focus for this piece of energy work. We are going to reach across time to invite and allow the integration and unification of all of the mask layers we have ever worn. We will be massively assisted in this, as we ll as the weaving back into oneness of our sushumna.
These are extraordinary times. The inner landscape is rich and exciting. The outer looks a little scary. Stay focused on what is real. It will become ever easier to explore your inner world as time goes by. Talking with guides, angels, star beings and nature spirits, will, because it is natural to us, because it is what we had to let go of when we split, return as a normal feature of human capacity. Not immediately. We don’t yet fully appreciate or understand how we are mapped to the collective fields. The work we do in gatherings like this helps to speed and orient the wider collective, and hopefully make for a slightly smoother transition.
Photo by Geoff Oliver on Unsplash